Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
November is epilepsy awareness month
encevis integrated into esumedics system
encevis integrated in the new Zeto One system
Strategy days of our Medical Signal Analysis Group
Meet our new colleague – Michael Egger
International Epilepsy Day (14.02.2024)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!
encevis on the DIO platform
Meet our new colleague – Petra Pudleiner
encevis at the Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Society in Los Angeles
Meet us at the AES2024 meeting in Los Angeles, December 6th-10th!
encevis at European Epilepsy Congress in Rome
Meet us at the 15th EEC meeting in Rome, September 7th-11th!
encevis at the annual meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie in Offenburg
Meet us at the 62nd DGfE meeting in Offenburg, June 12th-15th!
encevis at the dHealth meeting in Vienna – part 2
encevis at the dHealth meeting in Vienna – part 1
Meet us at the dHealth meeting 2024 in Vienna, May 7th-8th!
encevis at London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures in Salzburg
Presentation of results on automatic seizure burden estimation
Article from Austria Presse Agentur (APA) about AI in healthcare
Our “encevis4kids” project in
Interview in “Die Presse” about our stroke project
encevis strives towards the next milestone!
Poster presentation at Conference in Lausanne, October 11-13
Poster presentation at IEEE-BSN Conference in Boston, October 9-11
Interview in about our project on early diagnosis of dementia
New publication based on the use of encevis spike detection
Our new project on early dementia diagnosis on TV