encevis 1.5 released

The new encevis 1.5 has been released. encevis offers now an online interface to the micromed EEG system. Additionally, a new trace based on the heart rate was added to the EEG trending encevis NeuroTrend. The heart rate trace is based on the EKG signal and enables you to recognize raises in the heart rate in a glimpse.

encevis with DC amplifiers

Artifact reduction in encevis 1.4 can now deal with high DC offsets in EEG from DC coupled amplifiers. If you use encevis with DC-coupled amplifiers please contact us and we will give you a free upgrade to version V1.4

encevis 1.4 released

We improved our aEEG in Neurotrend. Have a look at the screen shot below. Furthermore the performance of EpiSpike was significantly improved.

We now support the XLTEK EMU40 head box.

encevis 1.3 released

The newest version of encevis with our new spike detection has been released. You can now analyse your spikes in our new graphical user interface and see averages and overlays directly in the spike detection.

encevis 1.2 released

The newest version of encevis has been released. You can now review the EEG even easier with the new design of the marker list. The new montage editor enables you to easily change montages and add new ones. With the new burst suppression panel in NeuroTrend, you can find burst suppressions and attenuations in an instant.